Wednesday Q&A

194 | Wednesday Q&A

Jan 29, 2020

Here is Wednesday Q&A, where you ask questions and I answer them! You sent me lots of great questions. If you have anything you’d like to ask, send me an email or DM on Instagram and I will try to get to it on the show.

Your questions:

  • Did you and your brother, John, go to the same PT school?
  • How should you breathe while doing yoga?
  • Do I have to complete LYT Yoga Teacher Training 1 if I want to do LYT Yoga Teacher Training 2, or is it a different Yoga Teacher Training?
  • Why do you let your head dangle in poses like side plank or side angle?
  • I have tight lumbar dorsal fascia and something underneath the left scapula that causes pain on deep inhalation and forward folds, what is it?

Do you have a question?

  • DM me on Instagram: @lara.heimann
  • Email me at
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