Friday with Friends

30 | “Yoga Butt” Syndrome | with John Frank, PT

Jan 7, 2019

Today my brother, John Frank, is back to talk about “yoga butt” syndrome. John is a physical therapist, athlete, and fellow lover of movement! So just what is “yoga butt” syndrome? No, it’s not the perky butt that you’re thinking– it’s actually a pain located underneath the flesh of your butt, where your hamstrings meet your sit bone, and I’ve been hearing a lot more about it lately.


What do you think is happening when people complain of yoga butt pain?


There are 3 tendons that connect at this area, therefore it feels like the lower butt is in pain, though it’s actually not the butt at all, it’s the hamstring tendons. This is a clear indication that people are over-stretching their hamstrings. Hamstrings shouldn’t be used as the primary hip extensor.


Why is this a harder area to heal?


There’s poor blood supply to this general area. Tendons are either strong connectors, or they just stabilize.


For forward ben, keep your center of mass within the confines of the middle of your feet as much as you can. Slightly bending your knees keeps your center of mass right where it needs to be.


Standing split:


When I refer to standing split, I mean more of a standing L shape. Hands are directly under your shoulders, one leg is on the floor while the other is off of the floor only by 90 degree. This way the pelvis stays level. If you can’t get your hands on the floor, you can always put them on blocks.

Overusing + Underusing:


The hamstring could be tight from overuse, but stretching them isn’t going to do anything. Pay attention to how you swan dive, forward fold, low locust, or cobra. Notice where the work feels like it’s being done, and try to even out the workflow across the body completely.


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