Your Creative Brain: The Key to Unlocking Productivity

Friday with Friends

674. Monthly Motivation: Neural Mapping & Mental Health

Jul 3, 2023


This month, Lara dives into brain mapping, mental health, and the impact of exercise on the brain. 


In this episode, you’ll learn about: 

  • the importance of brain mapping in understanding the brain’s function and its role in mental health. 
  • the different parts of the brain, their function, and how they have evolved over time.
  • the factors that contribute to mental health disorders.
  • how brain mapping can help identify imbalances in the brain and how exercise can help rewire these imbalances.
  • the positive impact of exercise on neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, and neurochemistry, which can help relieve stress and anxiety and improve overall mental health.


To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit:


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