Welcome to Wednesday Q&A, where you ask questions and we answer them!
In this Wednesday Q&A, we answer your questions about the pelvic floor.
Your questions:
- How does prolonged sitting and poor posture impact the pelvic floor muscles and pelvic health?
- Can you explain the difference between a tight, high-tone pelvic floor and a strong pelvic floor? What are the options to decrease tightness or tone? What do you do if you always feel some tension in the pelvic floor?
- How does breathing affect the pelvic floor? Is pranayama part of LYT?
- Sometimes my anal region spasms for 30 minutes. Why?
- How much do the proximal hamstrings affect the pelvic floor?
- How do you find neutral pelvis when you’re constantly tight in other areas with poor posture and muscle tone?
- What’s your take on pelvic floor engagement/training during pregnancy? How can you feel if your pelvic floor is too engaged?
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: lytyoga.com/blog/category/podcasts/
Do you have a question?
- DM Lara on Instagram: @lara.heimann
- DM Kristin on Instagram: @kbwilliams99
- Email us at support@old.lytyoga.com
- Visit relationshipschool.com/lara to get 50% off your first month of relationship coaching.
- Visit yarlap.com/yarlap-kit-for-bladder-control to get $35 off The Yarlap® Kegel Exercise Kit & System with code LYT35.