Friday with Friends

55 | Traveling As A Vegan

Mar 8, 2019

Today’s podcast is all about traveling while vegan! This episode was inspired by my love of travel, but also my trip to Costa Rica, and how I eat when I am not home. For those of us who do have different lifestyle choices– vegan, gluten-free, vegetarian, etc– it can be a little more trying when you aren’t in your own home, cooking your own meals! My hope is that with this episode, I can help provide insight to how I travel as a vegan, and hopefully make your future trips that much easier.


I have been vegan for almost 18 years now, and the technology that we have today does make being vegan while on the road and traveling, much more simple. There are many apps that help! I use Happy Cow to help me know what places have vegan options nearby my location.


When traveling, we often stay at Bed and Breakfasts, and in other countries where the hosts may not know what veganism is– kindly let them know what you can and can’t consume. Be open to offering suggestions. Sometimes we do have to bring our own staples, depending on where we travel.


I don’t agree when people say that being adaptable when traveling means eating as the culture eats, out of respect. I don’t think that it’s disrespectful at all to maintain your ethical beliefs. Being adaptable, to me, means being open to the fact that your options may look different than you expected.



Today’s episode is sponsored my LYT Daily online yoga classes. This is an exclusive pass into my personal practice and program that I created from my experience as a physical therapist and 20 years developing my LYT yoga methodology. There is a different class with me everyday – including special monthly live streams – so you can feel your most LYT up – anytime and anywhere. Get a 3 day free trial today by going to and clicking “daily classes.” Let’s get moving!

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