Wednesday Q&A

329 | Wednesday Q&A with Kristin Williams | December 16, 2020

Dec 16, 2020

Welcome to Wednesday Q&A, where you ask questions and we answer them!

Your questions:

  • Neural pathway training is so much more efficient than just weight training, can you explain why?
  • What to modify when you have a previously-broken sacrum or coccyx?
  • I’m struggling to activate the glute of my back leg in twisted crescent due to anterior tilt, how do I modify it?
  • What are the best things to do when my motivation to move is zero in times of grief and sadness?
  • What do we want rectus abdominis doing during the reset at work?

Do you have a question?

  • DM me on Instagram: @lara.heimann
  • Email me at
Previous Post ≪ 326 | Wednesday Q&A with Kristin Williams | December 9, 2020
Next Post 332 | Wednesday Q&A with Kristin Williams | December 23, 2020 ≫

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