Friday with Friends

170 | Wednesday Q&A

Dec 4, 2019

Today I’m back with Wednesday Q&A. I’m loving the great questions I’m getting! As well as sending in your questions, please subscribe and rate the podcast. If you send a screenshot of your review to, we’ll send you a free link for one of my LYT™ daily classes. 

Your questions:

  • What do you recommend for pubic symphysis discomfort ache during pregnancy? 
  • Standing all day. Any recommendations?
  • Could you talk about the history of yoga? 
  • What are possible causes of tendinitis in the elbow?
  • Do you ever practice rolling on the toes from up to down dog? 
  • Can you discuss why you’re such a big fan of dolphin pose?
  • My right arm is much stronger than my left. How do I balance that? 
  • Why do I have knee pain when squatting?

Do you have a question?

  • DM me on Instagram: @lara.heimann
  • Email me at
Previous Post ≪ 168 | Friendly Fridays | with Natasha Swinford
Next Post 171 | The Entrepreneurial Side of Teaching Yoga | with Brett Larkin ≫

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