Today I’m back with Wednesday Q&A. There’s nothing you can’t ask me. I like to bring the questions on without looking at them then answer as I go so you get a very authentic response. Keep sending your questions in – it’s such an honor to receive them and learn what you’re thinking about.
Your questions:
- In dolphin pose I have to interlace my fingers and can’t get my forearms parallel flat. How can I work on this?
- How can yoga teachers park their bad day at the door and be present with their students?
- How can you make money as a yoga teacher, and should you teach for free?
- How do the movements we do in yoga transfer to running?
- How should you deal with an arthritis diagnosis that says you’ll never regain full movement?
Do you have a question?
- DM me on Instagram: @lara.heimann
- Email me at