We’re so lucky to have modern medicine, but we also need to be advocates for our own health and remember that one person’s point of view, even if they’re a doctor, may not always be right for us.
I’m a triplet. My brothers were both diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease in their 20s. This means that their thyroid is underactive. They were put on a synthetic thyroid medicine called Synthroid. Because of this and other thyroid disorders in my family, my doctor decided to check my thyroid every year when I went in for my annual check-up.
I started experiencing a couple of minor symptoms and one year my thyroid numbers came back low, meaning hyperactivity in my thyroid. My doctor sent me to a specialist, who recommended two treatment options. Option one was to be on antithyroid medication for a year, with a risk of damaging my liver. Option two was to take radioactive iodine, which essentially kills your thyroid. And then you take a synthetic thyroid medication for the rest of your life. You can’t be around kids for a weekend because you’re radioactive!
Because my symptoms were very minor, I had the luxury of researching other options. I found that bugleweed plant can normalize thyroid function for those who have hyperthyroid. I purchased a tincture from Herbalist & Alchemist and, when I had my blood retested the next month, my numbers were much better. I took some more of the bugleweed and had some acupuncture and, when I went back for tests again, my thyroid levels were normal.
My doctor proclaimed me to be one of the 2% of people that heal for no apparent reason. He wasn’t willing to listen to what I did.
I discussed it with some doctor friends and they said people generally want the quick fix and are not willing to try alternative treatments that take longer and require more follow-through from them.
So my point is, let’s advocate for ourselves. I’m not recommending that you don’t see your doctor or that you reject modern medicine. But investigate and be a critical thinker. You are ultimately the best advocate for yourself.
- Check out: movementbylara.com
- Instagram: @lara.heimann
- Facebook: facebook.com/movementbylara
- Herbalist & Alchemist