Welcome to Wednesday Q&A, where you ask questions and we answer them!
In this Wednesday Q&A, we answer your questions about teres major area pain, feeling an imbalance in your shoulder blades, “mom shoulder,” and our opinion on cupping.
Your questions:
- I have pain somewhere between teres major and the armpit. Help!
- I noticed a significant difference in my ability to engage the muscles around my right shoulder blade and the armpit, like delayed firing. What would you suggest to rebalance my shoulders?
- Can you speak about “mom shoulder?” How can I get it to feel better?
- Cupping: When, why, and where?
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: lytyoga.com/blog/category/podcasts/
Do you have a question?
- DM me on Instagram: @lara.heimann
- Email me at lara@old.lytyoga.com
- Try Athletic Greens at athleticgreens.com/lytyoga
Redefining Yoga is produced and published by Crate Media.