Friday with Friends

63 | Progress Not Perfect

Mar 27, 2019

We all have experienced the strive for perfection, and how it can actually get in the way of real progress. I see this a lot in yoga practice, where people have a perfectionist mindset for their practice, and I believe that can be really limiting. Today we are going to talk through the importance of releasing the illusion of perfection, and replacing it with the strive of progress.


Applying progress practice to your movement practice:


  1. Focus on the effort
  2. Recognize the shifts that have happened
  3. Start simple + start soon
  4. Be okay with mistakes


Applying these steps in your life, career, and even in your children’s lives, can really help you grow and have a better mindset (and more fun) while on the road to whatever your goals may be.



Today’s episode is sponsored my LYT Daily online yoga classes. This is an exclusive pass into my personal practice and program that I created from my experience as a physical therapist and 20 years developing my LYT yoga methodology. There is a different class with me everyday – including special monthly live streams – so you can feel your most LYT up – anytime and anywhere. Get a 3 day free trial today by going to and clicking “daily classes.” Let’s get moving!

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