Your Creative Brain: The Key to Unlocking Productivity

Monthly Motivation

627. Monthly Motivation: Spectrum of Emotions

Feb 6, 2023


Join Lara this month for a conversation about the spectrum of emotions. She shares her thoughts on the importance of feeling and experiencing our emotions, both the highs and lows. Not trying to avoid or dampen them, while managing them in a healthy way. 


In this episode, you’ll learn about…

  • the difference between an emotion, feeling, or mood. 
  • how it’s important to experience the full spectrum of emotions rather than just staying in the middle path, as this allows for a deeper and more meaningful experience of life.
  • the importance of being aware of and managing one’s emotions, as well as the importance of expressing emotions in a healthy way.


To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit:


Connect with Lara Heimann, The Redefining Yoga Podcast, and LYT Daily:



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