Laura Van Velsor
State College, PAPrimary Studio
Yoga LabState College,PA
EnglishLYT Certifications
Personal Bio
I'm am registered as E-RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance and am very proud to be a part of the Yoga Lab family in State College, PA.
In 2013 I completed my first Yoga training and in 2014 completed an additional 300hr training, but as a new teacher I felt like things were either overly complicated (in terms of the mystical energy of the practice) or overly simplified (let's just ignore our anatomical imbalances and do the pose because it should be good for you). Having my own curiosities and imbalances, I often took a more gentle approach to yoga teaching because I didn't want people to get hurt like how I often felt. In 2015 I rediscovered what it meant to be a yoga instructor/yoga practitioner. Yes the mystical, energetic practices are cool, but I don't have to seek outward experiences to make inward change. Through reeducation on anatomy I can look at the cost/benefit of certain yoga poses through a new lens and incorporate MORE CORE. Not just abdominals/trunk muscles, but the CORE of what you value. I value being able to play with my daughter, the ability to tie my shoes or be barefoot, running as a meditation practice, loving my fur-family and living in a healthy, compassionate community. I value functional movements to support a pain-free body that feels strong and makes my passions more vibrant and joy more accessible. I want my students to feel the lifted feeling through their yoga as well. I'm always learning from my primary teacher, Lara Heimann, a physical therapist and founder of Movement by Lara and the LYT yoga teaching method. I have completed the LYT level 1 training as well as:
Shoulder Anatomy & Therapeutics (May 2016)
Advanced Asana & Drills (October 2016)
Creative Sequencing (January 2017)
Upper and Lower Extremities (January 2018)
We are only given one body, so let's tune in and learn to listen more deeply so we can take good care of ourselves so we can help all living beings.